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Dove Prism

Product Details

Dove prism has two applications. The main application is used as a rotator. It can rotate an image but without deviating the beam. And when the prism is rotated about the input parallel ray through some angle, the image rotates through twice that angle. It is very important that the application must be used with parallel or collimated beam and the large square reflective surface should be kept very clean. Another application is used as a retroreflector. For this application it perform as a right-angle prism.

Dove prismDove prism

Dimension tolerance+0.0/-0.05mm
Flatnessλ/5 at 632.8 nm
Angle tolerance3’
Surface quality40-20
Bevel0.25 mm × 45°
CoatingAR Coating,HR Coating(Could be customized)