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Fused Silica Dome

Product Details

Fused Silica Dome:

Fused Silica Dome is a good choice in the Solar Instruments. It including ultraviolet fused silica and infrared fused silica.

For the UV silica, it has a good transmittance from 180nm to2650nm, then it is good choice the protected UV Radiometers.

For the IR silica, it has broadband transmission from 200nm to 3600nm, it can keep the pyranometer has a wider spectral range, improved directional response, and reduced thermal offsets.

And Fused Silica mechanical properties it better than N-BK7, Borosilicate. Some of high quality deep-sea housings is made fused silica dome, it have wide-angle and can be protective the deep-sea camera.Fused Silica is also outstandingly resistant to water, salt solutions. Opticreate offers D10mm to D125mm fused silica dome.



1.Substrate:Fused Silica

2. Dimension: D10mm-D125mm

3. Thickness: 1mm-10mm

4.Surface Quality: 40/20

5.Surface fringe: 10(5)-3(0.5)

6.Coating: AR Coating